Sunday, June 5, 2011

The book of The Sea

My book cover is belatedly taking shape. The front and back covers will be the same - background fabric sewn directly onto a thick pelmet vilene base, then a zigzag stitch to give emphasis to the different fabrics used; the letters are bondawebbed in place; after this the fish buttons are sewn in place; textured threads added and couched in position; last of all, an experiment - the sheer fabric has been cut using a soldering iron giving a rather nice almost hard edge to the shapes.

It was so funny. A short while ago, my husband came into my workroom and stated "you have a soldering iron?" "Oh yes," said I, "for fabric."

Hopefully, this will mean that it will not be "borrowed" for an urgent task in the house............ I have just managed to reinforce the idea that my scissors (kept in the workroom) are only to be used for fabric........ I have carefully not mentioned my paper-use only scissors...................... Scissors for everyday use are kept in the kitchen.

Do I sound as if I have had a problem? Oh yes. Past tense, you will notice. My first pair of dressmaking shears got used for cutting wallpaper............ Then another pair got used for cutting some fine wire................

My own scissors now bear labels - "Fabric scissors - misuse at your peril."

So sorry I have been so late in getting my book put together. I shall post photos of the completed book in a day or so.


  1. Your cover looks great, Mandy! Your scissors dilemma sounds very familiar! I have marked the "OK to cut paper or whatever" scissors with (ugly) blue tape, but still remind DH on a regular basis what the tape means!

  2. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I got my daughters trained very young.....
    Thanks, I am enjoying putting the book together. At the moment I am adding a "spine" to each page. These will then be attached together with ribbon woven around the "spines". Hopefully it will work.........


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