Thursday, November 19, 2009

Made it.

I think I made it and have signed up on this blog. Hoping by the time this starts Life will slow down just a bit. I am looking forward to working on pages.
My name is Carmen, I under estimate the time it will take me to do things. Bear with me this may be my New Years Resolution. Trying not to take on more than I can realistically do. I have a Husband who is very busy getting our crop acres in. Two grown boys who sometimes need their parents. They each have the most beautiful girlfriends that I already love dearly. I have started on Christmas presents.
My Theme was Castles. Anything associated will be fine. I just picked it out of the air. Relax and have fun creating. Dreaming Quilts : ) Carmen


  1. Carmen - I'm so glad you got signed up. Welcome and hope you have a peaceful holiday season!

  2. Carmen, I love your theme. . . and that you "picked it out of the air." Castles in the Air? That gives me ideas!


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