Today we awoke to a very Kansas sort of winter day. Liz, you know the kind I mean! Everything covered with a sheet of dripping ice, except it is not dripping, it is solid. We had many such days when I lived in central Oklahoma, the state directly below Kansas for those of you not in the states. We had such terrible ice storms that we would loose all power and all one could hear was trees snapping and cracking under the weight of the ice encasement.
SOOOOO I figured that I had better get around to posting a picture of the glorious page that you created for me before I forgot that I had recieved it!!!

I adore this page Liz!! It is amazing how our minds were working along such similar paths as we joined in on this swap. I have wanted to do a Doors page for years and someone has always gotten to declaring that theme before me. So this time I chose Windows, which has also been a favorite theme of mine. Liz told me that her second theme choice , if Doors had already been taken , would have been windows!!! Just a bit of Synchronicity there don't you think???
So this window page is a depiction fo Liz's Fantasy perfect woodland window. It is perfect for me asw I adore the woods and gardening. Come to think of it the door page that I made for Liz was my fantasy woodland door page, if
I remember correctly!!Thank you so very much for my marvelous page Liz!!! And I hope that the winter weather is treating you well!!! Warm Hugs!!