Juliette has asked me to post pictures of the page that I made for her. She has finally recieved it after I got a bit behind. Sigh! Anyway I did this page on a background of needlefelting. I needled wool roving ,silk roving, angelina fibers and mohair curls down onto a periwinkle silk fabric. I added in some vintage crocheted lace and sparkling tuille to represent the sea foam at the edge of the wave. I added beads and some collected shells and then added dyed cheesecloth for sea weed and used real sandpaper for the sandy shore. It was not easy stitiching thru the snad paper till I got samrt and punched holes in it prior to stitching with thread!! I wrote out the quote with a Pitt pen on muslin. It says: Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to loose sight of the shore.
I am so very glad that you are happy with it Juliette!!!
What an interesting page. Thanks for describing how you made it Elizabeth.