Wednesday, March 31, 2010
You are a tease
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Its on its way
The seashore on it's way.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Blogger Errors
If you're looking at the page and you aren't seeing photos, Blogger seems to be having a malfunction. There are lots of blogs (not just ours) that the photos aren't working. Not sure what is happening but I'll try and find out and get it fixed.
See this post
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Dreaming Quilts : ) Carmen
Preview for Carmen
Haven't taken a photo of the (nearly finished) castle page but this link takes you to some British canal craft pictures ( called Roses and Castles after the most popular traditional paintings) Enjoy!!

Friday, March 26, 2010
Sneak peek for All Creatures Great And Small
Indian Palace for Carmen

A seashore for Juliette
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Page to Carmen
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
For Johoanna - Creativity Comes From the Heart
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Beautiful Trees from Liz
Carmen and Johoanna
Monday, March 22, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Have Trees, Will Travel
Ruth, my page for you is just about ready to start traveling. Hmm. Traveling trees makes me think of the trees in Lord of the Rings.
Well, that's not what this looks like . . . so it's an idea for someone else! This picture is from last week but I thought you could use a sneak peek. Hope to have it on it's way by the weekend.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Learning more about the sea.

Ruth chose the following quotation for the back:
"The sea, once it casts it's spell, holds one in it's net of wonder forever."
- Jacques Cousteau.

The whole page is beautiful. I just love the detail in the structure of the jellyfish.
To cap it all, Ruth has sent me a wonderful hand made card.

I shall leave you to read her description of the piece of work. (Just click on the photograph and you should be able to read the words clearly.)

Like Ruth has, I have learnt a lot from this page. She speaks of the environmental concerns regarding the growing numbers of jellyfish. Something I had really not even considered.
Thanks so much Ruth. I really feel that I have a lot to learn about the sea, even though I had chosen it as my theme. Perhaps this is something I could use when I start to compile my pages into a book. Definitely food for thought there..................
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Dreaming of diving in the sea - the photos

The dreaming girl in the photograph looks so very sweet. Here are some details of the stitching around the photograph.

Saturday, March 13, 2010
Dreaming of diving in the sea.
Although I have never been scuba diving, I was able to go snorkling during my time away. This page will bring back some delightful memories as well as being a lovely addition to my book.
I shall post some photos tomorrow.
Thanks so much, Johoanna!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Detail Shots of Chris's Window Page For Elizabeth
Well it took me a bit but here are the close up shots of the fabulous page that I recieved from Chris! There are multiple layers to this piece and I have never seen such tiny french knots!!!!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Saturday, March 6, 2010
An Elephant Named Mali
I'm glad that Gayle's page arrived safely. Here is what I made for her:
My inspiration was a baby elephant born at the Melbourne Zoo in January. Of course, all babies are cute, but I have a soft spot in my heart for elephants. This is my first attempt at Stumpwork and I had a ball putting this little tyke together. Her trunk and ears stand away from the cloth and she's just too cute! Gayle, I almost did not send her - I lost my heart to her!
There are more pictures on my blog and more details on how I did this page. Also a link to the real baby Mali's web site. Check it out....
What kind of doors?
Friday, March 5, 2010
There's an Elephant in the House!
A Peak At Mandy's Page for March
Here's a peak for you Mandy. I've finished your March page and I'll mail it off to you on Monday. Hope you'll like it.
I hope everyone has completed all your February pages and mailed them off. Do let me know if there are any problems on getting pages completed. (You can now all sigh and say "Yes, Mother...")
Hi Juliette
Page from Juilette
Elizebeth your page
I am glad you liked the page Elizabeth, its one i have been worried about as i wasn't 100% happy with it. Firstly i coloured up lutradour and then using a soldering iron i burned the windows out of the arch and using french knots i held the windows open. I printed a view of an old house on to cotton and added stitch around the window frames and frech knots for the roses. I stitched the cotton to the lutrador trying to give an apperance of looking through the window at the view outside. To add a stained glass effect i added chocolate wrappers to the top of the arch and machine stitched around the edges. I did add a little pocket to the back of it to hold a couple of little bits.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
February's leaves made by Mandy

Window Page From Chris!!!!
Chris, please go ahead and post pictures of your fabulous piece so everyone can see what you ahve done and read about just how you did it!! Thank you for all of the little goodies that you added. You certainly do live in a very beautiful part of the world!!!
Wouldn't it be fabulous if some how, and I do know that this is only a dream, we could all gather and meet in person and share our beautiful books??? That would be the frosting on the cake!!!!
Happy Hugs to all
My second page has arrived
Ladies its so pretty.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Chris page on way
Monday, March 1, 2010
All White Page for Debi!!
I had such fun creating this page. I started it during the Opening Ceremonies of the Winter Olympics and I have to admit that there were several times when I actually had to stop working and watch some fo the amazing program!! I did stitch away on the piece throughout the first weekend of the games and was sorry when I finished it!! I have been inpired to go on and create several more all white pieces for other projects, however!
For this piece, I used all vintage bits from my stash and I put it all together using only hand stitches. It was such a relaxing piece to work on! I am trying very very hard to use just what I have and use some of my favorite hoarded things. This way I can continue on the hunt for more wonderful textile pieces!!!
I created the puffed heart using a snippett of a silk scarf to cover a padded cardboard heart cut out, that I then added pearl seed beads to. I wanted to be sure to add a heart to the collage as I was creating this page during Valentines month. I used pieces of tatting, some wonderful heavy floral trim( mostly up near the arch) some creamy crocheted lace and some bobbin lace (down at the bottom). The background fabric is part of an enormous damask napkin with a beautiful Poppy pattern woven in, but with so much going on , I am afraid that the damask pattern got rather overwhelmed.