Thursday, April 22, 2010

Art Nouveau in April

A look at what I'm working on this month. I'm creating an Art Nouveau inspired page for Cobi .
Much of April has been about the dramatics of Eyjafjallajokull and I've tried to pronounce this intriguing name Eyjafjallajokull with the help of a tutorial on YouTube but with little success.
I was expecting to find a page for March on my return from Kerala but I haven't recieved one as yet and I was wondering if Eyjafjallajokull has something to do with it.


  1. Hmmm.... I am sure that Ann said she mailed your page. I will e-mail her and see if she knows what happened.

  2. Just what is the meaning of this intriguing and very mysterious word?

  3. Ruth - I too got impression that Ann had mailed the page long before Eyjafjallajokull erupted, I just hope its taking the long route to Bangalore and hasn't got lost.

    Mandy- according to wikipedia its supposed to mean 'island mountain glacier' in Icelandic.

  4. Maya - I got a an e-mail back from Ann. She mailed your page on March 23rd. That's been a whole month. Do you know if it usually takes so long? Ann and I are both worried that it has gotten lost. What do you think? She said she would make another one for you if the first was lost. Should we wait a bit longer? Can you check with your post office or would that not be helpful? Let me know what you think.

  5. Yikes! I even 'listened' to the word Eyjafjallaj at and still can't say it!

  6. Thanks. I had completely forgotten about the volcanic eruptions! I just did not make the connection. Apologies everyone.

  7. Maya the motifs you got there look very promissing. that's the right style for Art Nouveau. I'm confident its going to be a lovely page, I haven't seen anything but beautiful work from you. I do have a request. would you mind sending along a newspaper page? I love the lettering in printing from India. I'd like to use it in my mixed media pieces. tia


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